A natural therapy for overall wellness
Experience a calm and relaxing environment while alleviating many symptoms and ailments at The Salt Room® Orlando.
A natural therapy for overall wellness
Experience a calm and relaxing environment while alleviating many symptoms and ailments at The Salt Room® Orlando.
A spa-like experience
When you walk into The Salt Room® Orlando, you immediately feel that you’ve stepped into a spa. Gentle, soft music plays in the background, while coastal colors, and Himalayan salt tiles lend to a very relaxing atmosphere.
One-stop shop for wellness
The Salt Room® Orlando provides many holistic therapy services. Choose from Salt Therapy Sessions, Massage, Acupuncture, Colonics, and Skin Care. Come in today and start relaxing and breathing easier – Inhale, Exhale, Stay Well.
The benefits of salt therapy
Our rooms bring the natural benefits of salt therapy to you and take them one step further by providing the ideal concentration of dry sodium chloride aerosol to help give relief to your specific condition.
Inhale · Exhale · Stay well
Get an extra boost of wellness, energy and relaxation every time you come enjoy a session with us.
Symptom relief for respiratory
and skin conditions
Breathe Better
Healthy lungs and a clean respiratory system are essential for vitality, energy and longevity
Reduce Stress
Improved health, higher oxygen intake and increased energy naturally result in reduced stress levels and overall health
Boost Your Immune System
Salt therapy boosts the immune system by killing bacteria in the respiratory system
Cleanse Your Airways
Salt therapy cleanses the lungs and invigorates the entire body with increased lung capacity and oxygen intake
Relieve Ear Infection Symptoms
Salt therapy is a drug-free and non-invasive treatment that can bring relief from the symptoms of ear infection
Get Better Skin
Dry salt impacts the skin microcirculation and assists cellular membrane activity improving skin regeneration and function
Aid Better Sleep
A clean respiratory system naturally results in higher oxygen intake, increased energy and better quality of sleep
Reduce Inflammation
Inhaled dry salt particles have bactericide, mucokinetic, hydrophilic and anti-inflammatory properties
Symptom relief for respiratory
and skin conditions
Breathe Better
Healthy lungs and a clean respiratory system are essential for vitality, energy and longevity
Boost Your Immune System
Salt therapy boosts the immune system by killing bacteria in the respiratory system
Cleanse Your Airways
Salt therapy cleanses the lungs and invigorates the entire body with increased lung capacity and oxygen intake
Aid Better Sleep
A clean respiratory system naturally results in higher oxygen intake, increased energy and better quality of sleep
Reduce Stress
Improved health, higher oxygen intake and increased energy naturally result in reduced stress levels and overall health
Relieve Ear Infection Symptoms
Salt therapy is a drug-free and non-invasive treatment that can bring relief from the symptoms of ear infection
Get Better Skin
Dry salt impacts the skin microcirculation and assists cellular membrane activity improving skin regeneration and function
Reduce Inflammation
Inhaled dry salt particles have bactericide, mucokinetic, hydrophilic and anti-inflammatory properties
Wellness providers
Enter a refreshing and peaceful atmosphere of relaxation. Our team is ready to make sure you have the perfect spa experience. Leave feeling relaxed, refreshed, and relieved.

Special offers and membership discounts
Memberships and single sessions
The Salt Room® members enjoy relaxation and relief every month along with membership offers!